An exquisite and magnificent handcrafted Hei Tiki from the most amazing piece of Inanga Flower Jade, showcasing the beautiful variation in colour of the stone. The incredible attention to detail in this carving is exceptional. A rare and exquisite carving from a very talented master carver.
Hei Tiki - According to legends Tiki was the first man on Earth who originated from the stars. The first mortal person who created the first woman after his image. The exact meaning of the Tiki is disputed. There are several opinions but the most accepted are that the Tiki stands for fertility. Traditionally regarded as a good luck charm meant to keep evil spirits away.
Sculpture -
Genuine West Coast Inanga Greenstone from the Arahura River area, West Coast. A grey-green colour. It is either very translucent or quite opaque. Highly prized by the Māori and the desired material for making Mere and Patu
. The most prized Greenstone in New Zealand is Flower J
ade, Greenstone with pale green or ochre clouds of colour. This distinctive patterning and colouring come from the outside rim or 'rind' of the greenstone boulders or stones where the surface has oxidised.
Base - Forged Steel
Hand crafted by Ross Crump
Sculpture 101mm high x 53mm wide
Base 75mm long x 70mm wide x 107mm high
Overall height 118mm
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