In New South Wales, the jade in the Tamworth region is found in association with talc in serpentine belts on high ridges at about three thousand feet. The surface jade seems to have weathered out of the hillsides, and no boulders of jade have been found in the valleys below. These surface pieces are mostly jagged lumps, fractured and heavily weathered and calcined often right to the core.
Some of it is a deep green, marbled jade with white wavy lines running through it; it is sometimes fractured along these compacted lines. The surface finds are not of commercial value, but as the digging progressed, jade with fewer fractures was revealed to indicate there is better stuff still deeper down. Some of the jade is a highly translucent, pale, grey-green progressing to an almost clear jade with spots and blotches of a more vivid, bright green within it.
If the more deeply buried jade proves to be in solid form, fracture free and of this quality, it will indeed be an important jade discovery.
The third and most extensive deposit of nephrite found so far in Australia is at Cowell in South Australia. It is in the form of nodular masses or fractured lenses of jade in a hillside of serpentine dolomite at an altitude of less than a thousand feet. Already (early 1973), about one hundred and fifty tons has been mined; the largest boulder weighed about six tons. One boulder that weighed three and a half tons was a pale translucent green and was valued at forty thousand dollars. It was offered for sale to the People's Republic of China. Another boulder of two tons was a deep black jade. Dark green and olive-green colours are also being found.
A jade factory has opened in South Australia and is equipped with the largest diamond saw in Australia. This is an indication that a good supply of jade is expected.
With these finds of jade, the stage is set for lapidaries in Australia to accept this stone as a challenge to their creative ability. There is enough diversity in shades of colour to suit any needs or artistic ideas. Australian nephrite will be in demand worldwide, for much of this jade is well up to world standards.
-From the book: Jade Country
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