A gorgeous intricately carved Koropepe handcrafted from an exceptional quality light Inanga greenstone. This lovely open carving showing the beauty of the stone. A wonderful piece that would be a privileged to own.
The Koropepe is a mythical being in the shape of an eel, (an important food source for pre-European Maori). It also represents that of a Grandfather and has a spiritual meaning of guardianship and warding off evil. The Koru, the curling part of this carving, represents an unfurling new fern shoot, new beginnings, hope, personal growth, purity nurturing, a new phase in life, the spirit of rejuvenation and peace, that of a new Mokopuna (grandchild).Together they form a strong spiritual force for good.
Genuine West Coast Inanga Pounamu takes its name from a freshwater fish native to New Zealand. It is pale and often transparent, like the young of the Inanga fish. It is pearly white to grey-green in colour, and ranges from translucent to quite opaque. It can change colour over time, developing a light olive tint as it ages and oxidises - Highly prized by the Maori and the desired material for making Mere and Patu.
Hand Carved by Ross Crump
41mm long x 77mm wide
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