An incredible Patiti (Hatchet) handcrafted from a rare piece of Mammoth Bone. This stunning cast steel hatchet head is set onto a Mammoth bone handle with Whakairo Kowhaiwhai patterns and Paua shell this will be an amazing gift, presentation piece or award. The craftmanship exhibited by this young artist at the start of his career has us excited to see his future mahi.
Kowhaiwhai- The Kōwhaiwhai is a traditional Māori pattern that is used in whakairo (carving) and art, as well as being decorative, Kowhaiwhai patterns also help to tell a story. Kowhaiwhai in whare tipuna (meeting houses) are specially designed for the iwi (tribe) the house belongs to. It tells stories about their history. Kowhaiwhai are painted on the rafters or the tahuhu (ridgepole) of the house stretching the length of the building. The Kowhaiwhai painted on the ridgepole represents the whakapapa (genealogy) of the iwi (tribe). Nature is often the inspiration for these beautiful and stunning patterns.
Paua Shell – Abalone, our Paua shell is rich and deep in iridescent colours unique to New Zealand. Found all around the rocky shoreline coast but grows best in southern waters. Paua shell has been traditionally used by Maori to illuminate the eyes & features of carvings and artwork. While Paua sits within the abalone family, which is found in other parts of the world, namely, South America, Australia, Western North America, and Japan, our Paua's hidden, bright multi-coloured interior shell is only found in New Zealand.
Hatchet size – 219mm long x 39mm wide x 16mm thick
Head – 107mm long x 56mm wide x 23mm thick
Carved by Yuki Tanaka
This will be the exact piece you will receive in the photos, there may be a slight degree of colour variation based on different computer or device screen resolutions that you are viewing from.
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